Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Family and Changes

It's Summer time! Me and my family went camping with Dallas, Lyndsy, Jenna, Mitch and Landon and Melanie. I played Frisbee with Kate and Lyla. I love those little girls so much. I have decided to move to St. George and work down there. I will live around the corner from McKensey. I am so excited! I just need to find a job and then I will be able to figure everything out! I want to work as a interior decorator. I would love to stage houses and help people with what they love and get their vision of what they want into reality. It is still up in the air for where I will go to school and how I will go about all of this, I am just so excited for the next chapter in my life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A New Addition!

This is Melanie Estrada. We became friends my freshman year at Snow College in 2010.
I set her up with my brother Landon in October and they have been dating since then.
They got engaged on Saturday so she is going to be my sister in law! I have one brother
and two sisters so she will be my only sister in law! I love her so much. She is a great friend
and I can tell she loves my brother so much. I am very happy he found someone and it is fun that I was the onethat set them up. She is 23 years old and Landon is 27. They are getting married in the Hila Valley LDS Temple July 27th and having a reception July 28th. This will all take place in Arizona. The following weekend we will have a reception in Salem in my backyard! I am so excited for this to happen!! :)


Thursday, April 19, 2012

It Just Gives Me Tender Bliss

I love Hallmark movies so much. I love HGTV shows, House Hunters International especially. I love Code Red Mt. Dew. I love Cheetos. I love Diet Coke. I love Summer. I love the color orange. I love balloons. I love rain. I love friends. I love my family. I love the gospel. I love my bed at my house. I love laying on my bed and looking up at the stars on my ceiling. I love hallmark card commercials. I love going to the store and reading cards. I love puppies. I love swimming. I love wakeboarding. I love watching Hannah Montana with my little sister McKensey even though were 18 and 21 years old. I love Aubrey being a good example of hard work and reaching goals. I love McKenseys passion for the Boston Red Sox. I love dancing. I love teaching and choreographing dances. I love sparkles and glitter. I love the song sweet pea by Amos Lee. I love listening to Jack Johnson on rainy days. I love laughing through tears. I love kissing, cuddling, hugging and holding hands. I love listening to 1920's music when I am in the shower. I love my cheetah robe. I love the Cole family. I love birthdays, even if it's not my birthday they are still so fun. I love throwing parties. I love the ukele. I love weddings. I cry during Titanic everytime and I love it. I love laying out in the hot sun getting tan with my mom and sisters. I love cookies and cream ice cream. I love going home on weekends and eating home cooked meals and taking naps. I love Kate and Lila. I love listening to the Dixie Chicks tape on the boat eating sandwiches with my family. I love having a memory with almost every song I hear. I love cheesy rice my mom makes. I love John Mayers song Gravity. I love watching a dance and having it be so pretty it brings me to tears. I love memories. I love a comfty hoodie. I love high buns on my head. I love curling my hair and doing my make up. I love driving fast. I love my dog Smokey. I love my dads humor. I love my moms friendship. I love Landons loyalty and protectiveness. I love Spanish Fork baseball games. I love show choirs. I love taking pictures. I love looking at old pictures. I love when I finally find a great book and I can't stop reading. I love my extended family. I love my neighbors. I love rearranging furniture. I love spam commercials. I love playing softball intramurals. I love Sydney Gillmans friendship. xo.

Goals Goals Goals

I have decided I need to have some goals. I meet people and they know exactly where they are going and what they want to do. I normally say I don't have a clue of what I want to do with my life, but that is actually not all the way true. I know of lots of things I want to do. I want to travel to Europe, I want to visit the coast, I want to serve a mission, I want to get married, I want to have lots of kids. So I have lots of dreams. My mom asked me the other day what my dreams are. I was stumped. I didn't know what to say which is pathetic. I hated that. I felt like my life was a dead end. Yes life is very hard and it can get messy and complicating, but I think I finally had my wake up call. I left my dreams behind and I got caught up in stress of not being able to afford anything. If I truly want to succeed and go somewhere in my life, I will need to get up and make it happen and stop letting years pass by. So here is a list of what I want to do in my life.
Travel to Europe                      
Get Married                           
Have lots of children
Visit the Coast                          
Jump the wake on a wakeboard
Start writing in my journal
Learn a craft
Create something
Write a song
Get better at my guitar
Lose 20 pounds
Run a 5K
Associates Degree/Bachelors Degree
Hair School
Finish the Book of Mormon
Buy a Car
Ride in a Gondola
Ride a Horse by myself
Meaningful friendships and relationships
Complete honesty with everyone
Stop gossiping
I hope to reach these goals in my life. I will add more through the years but this is a good little list for now. xo

Thursday, January 26, 2012

And So It Begins!

Hello Hello!! I am so new to this, so here we go! I am Kailey Taylor. I am a student at Snow College in Ephraim Utah. I am majoring in Human Develpment. One day I will work for Foster Care or for an adoption agency somewhere. I am 21 years old. I grew up in Salem Utah. I traveled one hour south for college and I have been here in Ephraim for three years. I love wakeboarding, dancing, photography, my family, friends, swimming and making people smile. I love getting new recipes and trying new things. I want to travel the world and see what adventures are ahead of me. I love my life and am excited what the future holds.